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Lesson 07/05 + HW for 12/05 — Fine English Club Online

Lesson 07/05 + HW for 12/05

Публикация в группе: Английский язык - EW2 [Макарова О.М.]


  • topic ‘Sports and hobbies’ — учить наизусть
  • WB p.86 – read, translate, do the task
  • gr. paper
  • revise all words U5-9 & all topics, picture description




There are many things that I like to do. I like to play games, my favorite game is ……………….. . I like reading books and walking with my friends too! I often play games with my friends and family. In summer I like playing basketball, but I don’t like football. In winter I skate in the park and play snowballs with my friends.

I am a very active girl. I like sport. My hobby is swimming. I go to the swimming pool every week. Swimming is fun! I want to swim like a real fish!

Sport is a great hobby!

Аудиофайлы, архивы, файлы:
Время урока: 15:00
Дата урока: 2021-05-07

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