Публикация в группе: Английский язык - EW2 [Макарова О.М.]
HW for 21/10
1)Text – read (10 times) and translate (файл прикреплён)
2)WB p. 15 №1, p. 21 №3,4
3)Draw a picture (or two), bring them to the class:
It is a sunny day. The sun is shining.
It is a garden with green trees and yellow and red flowers.
Sam is in the garden. He is going down the slide.
A dog is sleeping under the tree.
Mum is brushing the steps. Amy is helping her.
Grandma is in the kitchen, she is making a cake.
Grandpa is reading a book.
Dad is watching TV.
Look at those big birds in the sky!
(нарисовать картинку (или две), на которой были бы отражены все пункты)
Ссылка на Zoom или Skype: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77164937440?pwd=elJGcmVuNTZJaHNGTGsxZUw2UEtaQT09 Идентификатор конференции: 771 6493 7440 Код доступа: CEq8wH
Время урока: 15:00
Дата урока: 2020-10-16